Book Excerpts Eleutherios The Dual SensitivityWhat is required to become prepared to enter into the "Perfect Practice" of the Way of Adidam? At the foundation level, a "dual sensitivity" must awaken. As Avatar Adi Da describes here:
There have always been people who have felt this dual sensitivity intensely, people who Realized that Happiness does not dwell in conditions — in anything that changes and passes — but only in the changeless Divine Condition. Such individuals are humankind's Yogis, Saints, and Sages. But this same dual sensitivity exists in each one of us. And the Grace of Avatar Adi Da not only enlivens this sensitivity — His Grace also allows the impulse to Divine Freedom to be fulfilled absolutely. The fuel of that impulse is profound and unrelenting devotion — the giving over of body, emotion, mind, and breath to Avatar Adi Da Samraj, moment by moment, day after day, year by year. No ascetical discipline, no effort to control the mind can possibly activate the process described in Eleutherios — for it is not a philosophical matter.
We continue to settle for what is "less than Real God", or less than Reality Itself, because we fail to understand and go beyond our limited perception of existence. Every one of us, Avatar Adi Da Samraj explains, harbors a fundamental presumption that he or she is an "organism", a functioning psycho-physical entity that begins at birth and ends at death. But that "organism" — the body-mind with which we identify ourselves — is in a very precarious situation, subject to pain and eventual obliteration. In the face of this harsh reality, we are always trying to distract ourselves — and are, in fact, deluding ourselves. We presume that we can be fulfilled as mere "organisms", that we can become truly happy while identifying with what dies. Relationships, events, ideas, emotions, and the potential experiences of the senses become the focus of our lives. A few seek happiness in the more subtle (or psychic) realms of reality — through the higher mind (or psyche). But whatever type of experience we may prefer, it is true to say that each of us is addicted to the having of experiences. Avatar Adi Da Samraj has pointed this out to His devotees on innumerable occasions:
The "Perfect Practice" of the Way of Adidam goes beyond the "organism point of view" altogether, or the stages of psycho-physical growth that have to do with the impulse to be fulfilled in terms of the body, the mind, and the psyche. That impulse represents the "point of view" that Avatar Adi Da Samraj calls "cosmic". According to this "point of view", the domain of conditional existence (or the cosmic domain) is the entirety of what exists. The cosmic domain includes everything that can be experienced by the mechanism of the body-mind — anything from a sandwich to the most extraordinary mystical raptures. Thus, from the cosmic "point of view", one is identified with the experiencing mechanism of the body-mind. The "Perfect Practice" of the Way of Adidam cannot begin until there is Awakening beyond the impulse to identify with the body-mind and its "point of view". The "Perfect Practice" takes place in the Domain of Consciousness Itself, Which is the Acausal Source-Condition of the body-mind and all its experiences. In essence, the "Perfect Practice" is about entering profoundly into the Native Self-Condition, or True Happiness, and Realizing that Condition most intimately, at heart, as Perfect Identification with Avatar Adi Da. This is the greatest, most auspicious and Liberating process there is. But, in fact, as long as we cling to our self-contracted disposition — as long as we insist on being an "organism", an addict of experience — the "Perfect Practice" is out of the question. We cannot even relate to the Realization of Divine Consciousness as something desirable.
Understanding that we are actively refusing Consciousness is the first great step in preparing for the "Perfect Practice". Next: Wanting to Have a "World" - continued — from The Dawn Horse Press —
Eleutherios The Only Truth That Sets The Heart Free This new edition of Eleutherios is Avatar Adi Da's Supreme and Summary Instruction on His Great Offering of the "Perfect Practice" in His Divine Company. It also contains His most recent Instructions to His devotees about the "preliminary root-practices of the Way of Perfect Knowledge", including "Reverse Enquiry". learn more Paperback: 736 pages $34.95 |