Adi Da Samraj

His Divine Presence,
Avatar Adi Da

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Book Excerpts

Searchless, Lawful Management of the Body


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"Searchless, Lawful Management of the Body"

The book Green Gorilla is the essential, summary communication from Avatar Adi Da relative to diet. It is a communication of great value not only to His devotees but to everyone. Daniel Bouwmeester, M.D., and longtime devotee of Avatar Adi Da, writes in the introduction: "Avatar Adi Da's fundamental recommendation is the searchless raw (fructo-vegetarian) diet—searchless in the sense that it is simply lawful management of a body in Communion with the Living Reality, free of the need to use food as a means to solve any kind of problem or seek any kind of ideal in the body or mind."

The recitation included here is an excerpt from the essay "Searchless, Lawful Management of the Body". In this essay, Adi Da addresses "lawfulness" in relation to diet, in contrast to the fascinated preoccupation with food that characterizes people in the modern world. Such preoccupation is based in the egoic search for fun and pleasure and inevitably results in suffering and pain. The lawful diet is not an end in itself, but a simple, ordinary practice that establishes the "'position' of well-being of the body" and is part of a larger practice of what Adi Da calls "right life":

The principles of right life in the Reality-Way of Adidam are not merely moral principles, although they certainly have moral force. The principles of right life in the Reality-Way of Adidam govern the domain of "money, food, and sex" and social egoity, such that the life of seeking to have fun and then suffering afterward—and cumulatively, and more and more, and becoming more and more physically, emotionally, and mentally out of balance—is countered by maintaining principles of right life.

— His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da

Green Gorilla, page 81

Play the audio file audio (4:24 minutes)


— from The Dawn Horse Press —
Green Gorilla Book Cover
Green Gorilla
The Searchless Raw Diet
by Adi Da Samraj

"Green Gorilla is an amazing book because it is simple yet comprehensive at the same time. Being the author of several raw food books myself, I found that I couldn't put this book down. Avatar Adi Da Samraj powerfully conveys the numerous benefits of the raw food diet. I am especially impressed with the way he ties overeating with ego-bound addiction to pleasure. I recommend that everyone read this book."
— Victoria Boutenko
author, Green for Life


6" x 9" Paperback: 184 pages

And visit for more about Green Gorilla, including additional excerpts from the book.

Related CDs from The Dawn Horse Press —
Renouncing The Search For The Edible Deity - CD
Renouncing The Search For The Edible Deity (CD)
A remarkable Discourse by Avatar Adi Da Samraj on how the shock of (apparently) independent existence initiates the false search for the "edible deity"—or the "food" that is perfectly sustaining. This CD is an excellent companion to Green Gorilla.
