He expresses, with the most compelling sense of authority, conviction, originality, and revelatory "force", the highest perspective and truth. Paul Muller-Ortega |
Book Excerpts Religion and Reality Part 4 Grow Beyond ReligionIntroduction Part Four
— Avatar Adi Da Samraj This book is itself preparation for Avatar Adi Da’s further Revelations in the "Perfect Knowledge" Series as a whole. Only on the basis of outgrowing belief-based exoteric religion, and understanding the esoteric principle of true religion, are we prepared to receive the great Reality-Teachings that affirm the Ultimate Transcendental Truth, with no reference whatsoever to the world of arising forms and experience. It is Avatar Adi Da’s Impulse to Give all that is needed for the sake of right religious and Spiritual understanding in our time. His Teachings about religion and Reality are intended to unlock fundamental obstructions to our growth, such that we can ultimately awaken to Reality Itself. Avatar Adi Da’s entire life is devoted to Revealing — and Being — the means for Reality Itself to Communicate directly in human time. The Very One Who Is, Reality Itself, is by Nature moved to Liberate — to set beings free of identification with the web of illusions that makes up the usual life. This book is a gift from Adi Da Samraj to all who need to understand the human event from the viewpoint of Ultimate Truth, beyond the winds of doctrine and the competing philosophies that have made and unmade the cultures of humankind. Next: Excerpt from Adi Da Samraj’s Essay, — from The Dawn Horse Press —
Religion and Reality True Religion Is Not Belief in Any "God"-Idea but the Direct Experiential Realization of Reality Itself by The Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj Book Two of the Perfect Knowledge Series. It lays the groundwork for Adi Da’s further Revelations. The books in this series comprise the complete text of Avatar Adi Da’s "Source-Text" IS: The Perfect Knowledge of Reality and The "Radical" Way to Realize It. learn more Paperback, 168 pages $9.95 |