One who most fully responds to Adi Da Samraj knows that nothing can be done to and as the separate body-mind-self in order to Realize the Truth of His Divine State.

Any strategic manipulation of the body-mind merely reinforces the ego.

Avatar Adi Da
Avatar Adi Da

Book Excerpts

The Ancient Walk-About Way

excerpted from the Introduction
by Megan Anderson
— page 5

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Devotion, Right Life,
and "Perfect Knowledge"
in the Walk-About Way of Adidam

In the later essays of The Ancient Walk-About Way, Avatar Adi Da elucidates the fundamental elements of the Way of Adidam He has Given: devotion, right life, and "Perfect Knowledge".

The tacit, non-verbal heart-response of devotion to Avatar Adi Da is (from the beginning and always) the basis of Adidam. To live that Way in its fullness is to extend devotional recognition of Avatar Adi Da into an active response of every aspect of the being — "inner" and "outer" — via a comprehensive discipline of right life.

The life of avatar Adi Da's devotee is converted from the habit-patterns based in identification with the separative body-mind to the disposition of all action as service to the Divine Heart-Master and His Liberating Work.

The enactment of right life serves to magnify the intuition of Truth that is inherent in devotion to Avatar Adi Da Samraj. Thus, His Revelation of "Perfect Knowledge" is ever-magnified — at first via a preparatory practice and, ultimately (by His Grace) as Perfect Identification with His "Bright" Divine State.

The disposition of right practice of The Way of Adidam simply "Coincides" with MeIn "Place" ("Where" and As I Am).

— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
"In 'Place' ('Where' and As I Am)"

The Seventh Stage Way

Adi Da's schema of seven stages of life is another crucial element of His Communication in this book. As He Reveals, the Great Tradition of human religious and Spiritual endeavor — historical and prehistorical — is founded on the structures and processes inherent in the human being.

The seven stages of life I have Described develop on the basis of the structures of the true (or esoteric) "anatomy" of every human being.

Every human activity and every human manifestation can be seen and understood in the context of My Description of the seven stages of life and the associated structural "anatomy" of the human being.

— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
September 8, 2004

In His description of the first six stages of life, Adi Da illuminates how the pursuits of religion and Spirituality (both Eastern and Western) have always been focused in different dimensions of the human structure — whether associated with the gross or the subtle or the causal dimension of existence.

By contrast, the Way of Adidam is the "seventh stage Way" — a process that is, from the beginning and always, not based on any gross, subtle, or causal structure of the body-mind, but on direct and free heart-response to the Perfect Divine Reality Itself, Revealed in and as the Bodily Form of Adi Da Samraj.

One who most fully responds to Adi Da Samraj knows that nothing can be done to and as the separate body-mind-self in order to Realize the Truth of His Divine State. Any strategic manipulation of the body-mind merely reinforces the ego.

Therefore, in the Walk-About Way of devotion to Adi Da, the devotee simply ceases to give attention to the patterns and sufferings of identification with body, mind, "self", and world, and instead turns the total body-mind to Adi Da. Through this conversion from self-obsession to true devotion, the devotee is purified by means of Avatar Adi Da's Divine Grace.

Such devotion necessarily occurs prior to any form of identification with body, mind, or "self". It is in this sense that devotion to Adi Da Samraj is "radical" — because that devotion happens in the root-"Place" of Reality Itself.

Those who heart-recognize Me... are recognizing (or tacitly Apprehending) My Divine State. Such heart-recognition is "radical" devotion — because such heart-recognition of Me is already "at the root".

In that case, there is no body-mind-ego responding to Me. Rather, there is direct heart-recognition of Me — Prior to all identification with the body-mind, and Prior to all identification with the patterning of the body.mind.

— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
"In 'Place' ('Where' and As I Am)"


from The Dawn Horse Press —

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The Ancient Walk-About Way

The Core Esoteric Process of Real Spirituality and
Its Perfect Fulfillment in the Way of Adidam
— by the Divine Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj

"Devotion to the Realizer is the ancient Way of true Spiritual life.

"Devotion to the Realizer is the 'pre-civilization Way', which existed before any recorded history, during a time when human beings were, essentially, merely wandering all over the Earth.

"Devotion to the Realizer has always been the fundamental Means of human Spirituality."

— Avatar Adi Da Samraj

5½ x 8½ paperback; 144 pages
ISBN: 1-57097-221-4