
How I Fell in Love with God

Tom Williams
I have seen for myself that the Immortal, Eternal, Starry God is Right Here, Present, available to us — straight, beautiful, completely authentic, filled with integrity — and that's the thing that changed my life and that I want to tell everybody.

— Tom Williams

Tom Williams, a longtime devotee of Avatar Adi Da, tells the story of how he "fell in love with God". He describes how he moved from an ordinary childhood, to study for the ministry, to despair that his faith and his service had failed to deepen his relationship to God.

In a personal crisis, he became a pastoral counselor and then a marriage and family counselor — before finally finding the books of Avatar Adi Da and at last receiving the gift of sighting his Heart-Master at the "Love of the God-Man" celebration in northern California in 1984.

Devotees of Avatar Adi Da Samraj find great joy in telling stories about their Master's work with His devotees and the world. Tom's experience and that of his wife underline how powerful such stories can be in opening our hearts to the Divine Person.

My wife's love for Avatar Adi Da did not come from reading His books, but from just hearing stories about Him from devotees. She became a student three months later, and we have been students ever since.

— Tom Williams

Watch Tom on Videovideo (22:03 minutes)

This video segment is part of the Adidam Study Group materials.

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