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Audio: Death and Dying — Two Discourses

Cosmic Mandala

1. The Ultimate Outshining of Death

In this Discourse excerpt from 2004, Adi Da Samraj describes the inconsolable wound that is inherent in the mortal condition.

But, He says, disillusionment with the search for (necessarily insufficient) consolation can serve as a goad to realize the Divine State, Beyond the suffering of loss and inevitable sorrow.

"Loss, or separation — apparent separation through death or any other life-happening — is not only possible, it is inevitable. And there is nothing amusing about it. It is so.

It is not possible to be consoled about it.

But it is possible to be Free, utterly Free — only by Realizing That Which Is Inherently Free."

— Adi Da Samraj
October 3, 2004

audio play the first audio(7:36 Real Player)

2. The Cosmic Mandala

In this Talk from 1982, Adi Da Samraj speaks about what is required — in the death process, and in life — in order to transcend the mechanism of attention and Realize the Divine Self-Condition.

In this excerpt, Adi Da tells us that, to Realize permanent Happiness, we can make use of the natural motivation toward release from un-happiness.

In the death process, He recommends engaging the discipline of relaxation and release of the hold on body, mind, and all states of attention, thereby surrendering and transcending fear.

Play the audio file (6:09 minutes)

A full transcription of this talk is available
in the book Easy Death (click to explore the Easy Death book website)

— from The Dawn Horse Press —

The Ultimate Outshining of Death cover The Ultimate Outshining of Death - CD
Adi Da Samraj communicates, with great passion and compassion, the only way to be truly Free of the sorrow from the loss of a loved one.


Cosmic Mandala cover
The Cosmic Mandala - CD
In this talk from 1982, Adi Da Samraj speaks about what is required to transcend the mechanism of attention and Realize the Divine Self-Condition, in death and in life.


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