Endorsements of Avatar Adi Da's Teaching-Revelation
"The life and teaching of Avatar Adi Da Samraj are of profound and decisive spiritual significance at this critical moment in history."
— Bryan Deschamp former Senior Adviser at the United Nations High Commission for Refugees former Dean of the Carmelite House of Studies, Australia former Dean of Trinity College, University of Melbourne
"It is obvious, from all sorts of subtle details, that he knows what IT's all about . . . a rare being."
— Alan Watts author, The Way of Zen and The Wisdom of Insecurity
"That God can, among other things, actually incarnate in human form once seemed unbelievable to me. But reading the books of Avatar Adi Da obliterated all doubt about the existence of God right now, here on Earth in human form."
— Charmian Anderson, PhD psychologist; author, Bridging Heaven and Earth and The Heart of Success
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