from "The Great Esoteric Tradition of Devotion To The Adept-Realizer" an excerpt from Part Three of The Aletheon by Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Note: Extra paragraph breaks have been added to Avatar Adi Da's original text, to assist reading on a computer monitor.
Based on the understanding of attention (or the observation that Consciousness Itself, in the context of the body-mind-"self", tends to identify with, or becomes fixed in association with, whatever attention observes, and especially with whatever attention surrenders to most fully), the Spiritual Motive is essentially the Motive to transcend the limiting capability of attention (or of all conditional "objects", others, and states).
Therefore, the traditional Spiritual process (as a conventional technique, begun in the context of the fourth stage of life) is an effort (or struggle) to set attention (and, thus, Consciousness Itself) Free by progressively relinquishing attachment and reaction to conditional "objects", others, and states (and, Ultimately, this process requires the Most Perfect transcending of egoity, or "self"-contraction itself, or all the egoic limitations associated with each and all of the first six stages of life).
This conventional effort (or struggle) is profound and difficult, and it tends to progress slowly. Therefore, some few adopt the path of extraordinary "self"-effort (or a most intense struggle of relinquishment), which is asceticism (or the "method" of absolute independence).
However, the Adepts themselves have, since the most ancient days, offered an alternative to mere (and, at best, slowly progressing) "self"-effort. Indeed, the Adept-Gurus offer a Unique Principle of practice (as an alternative to the conventional principle of mere and independent "self"-effort and relinquishment).
That Unique Principle is the Principle of Supreme Attraction.
Truly, the bondage of attention to conditional "objects", others, and states must be really transcended in the Spiritual Way, but mere "self"-effort (or struggle with the separate, and separative, "self") is a principle that originates in (and constantly reinforces) the separate (and separative) "self" (or "self"-contraction, or egoity itself).
Therefore, the process of the real transcending of bondage to conditions is made direct (and truly ego-transcending) if the principle of independent "self"-effort (or egoic struggle) is (at least progressively) replaced by the responsive (or cooperative) Principle of Supreme Attraction (Which Is, in Its Fullness, responsive devotional and Spiritual Identification with the Free Person, Presence, and State of One Who Is Already Realized, or In Samadhi).
On the basis of the simple understanding of attention — expressed in the formula: You become (or Realize) What (or Who) you meditate on — the ancient Essence of the Spiritual Way is to meditate on (and otherwise to Commune with) the Adept-Guru, and (thereby) to be Attracted (or Grown) beyond the "self"-contraction (or egoity, or all the "self"-limiting tendencies of attention, or all "self"-limiting and "self"-binding association with conditional "objects", others, and states).
Through sympathetic (or responsive) Spiritual Identification with the Spiritually Self-Transmitted State of a Realizer, the devotee is Spiritually Infused and (potentially) Awakened by the Inherently Attractive Power of That State Itself.
Even the simplest beginner in practice may be directly Inspired — and, thus, moved toward greater practice, true devotion, and eventual Spiritual Awakening — by sympathetic response to the Free Sign, and the Great Demonstration, of a True Realizer.
And, by the Great Spiritual Means That Is true devotional Communion with a True Realizer (coupled with a variety of disciplines and practices, which should be associated with real "self"-understanding), the fully prepared devotee of a True Realizer may Freely (or with relative effortlessness) relinquish (or Grow Beyond) the limits of attention relative to each of the progressive stages of life that, in due course, follow upon that devotion.
The Aletheon by His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da
The Table of Contents(a printable PDF document) Avatar Adi Da's supreme Scripture is a book of oceanic depth and magnitude. The stunning eight-volume edition is recommended for ease of study, and includes an attractive slipcover and dustjacket