Adi Da Eleu1

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Mountain of Attention Sanctuary 2005
(click to view a larger image)

Book Excerpts

(The Only Truth That Sets The Heart Free)

The "Late-Time" Avataric Revelation Of The "Perfect Practice" Of The Great Means To Worship and To Realize The Truth and Spiritual Divine Person (The egoless Personal Presence Of Reality and Truth, Which Is The Only Real Acausal God)

Introduction by Carolyn Lee, PhD


Eleutherios ImageAn abridged version of the introduction to Eleutherios (The Only Truth That Sets The Heart Free), a newly revised and published Source-Text of the Way of Adidam, by the Great Avataric Sage, Adi Da Samraj.

The updated version of Eleutherios (the core text of which was first written in 1982), includes "The Teaching Manual of Perfect Summaries", written by Adi Da Samraj in 2005 and 2006, which describes the devotional practice of "Reverse Enquiry" in the Way of Adidam.

The Freedom That Can Never Be Lost

An Introduction to
(The Only Truth That Sets The Heart Free)
by Carolyn Lee, PhD

The perennial human search to understand the core issues of existence always comes back to the matter of freedom. What is true freedom, and how is it to be attained?

The modern Western tradition tends to understand true freedom in social and ethical terms — democracy, free speech, free enterprise, "the greatest good for the greatest number".

In the East, there has characteristically been a very different orientation. Human existence is plainly seen as pain and bondage, and so it is presumed that true freedom is not to be found in this world.

Rather, to be truly freed is to be liberated from identification with the world, the body, and the mind.

In the Words of Avatar Adi Da:

Modern Westerners are always thinking in terms of "paradise" and "utopia", always stimulating and deluding one another with enthusiasms for "this world". Modern Westerners are always fantasizing the future on the basis of an egoic identification with the body....

In the traditional East, people do not forget to tell one another that this world is "mortality-land", and not paradise.

Therefore, the traditional wisdom-Message in the East is that True Happiness is to be attained by seeking for That Which Is Eternal, and, therefore, by strategically renouncing every kind of "arrangement" with what is merely temporary.

— The Only Complete Way To Realize
The Unbroken Light Of Real God

In Eleutherios, Avatar Adi Da speaks the Ultimate Truth that Liberates the being, that frees the heart.

This Truth cannot be found by seeking. It is a Revelation and a Gift that transcends not only the worldly aims that Westerners regard as "freedom", but also the inward states of "liberation" that are the goal of the traditional oriental search.

The Truth that Avatar Adi Da is here to Give is the Truth about Reality. What troubles human beings most, He has found, is their lack of knowledge of what Reality is truly about, what It ultimately is.

His Revelation in Eleutherios, and in all His Wisdom-Teaching, is that Reality is Divine — Absolute Consciousness and Absolute Light, inherently full of Bliss, Joy, and Love.

There is no "God" ever conceived by the human mind that truly represents this Ultimate Reality and Truth. Rather, all the myths of humankind tend to be diversions from it, and not ultimately Liberating.

But how does this Divine Reality, or Real God, become the living, conscious form of one's existence, rather than merely an idea in mind? What is the nature and process of true Liberation?

In Eleutherios, Avatar Adi Da unveils a great koan. Ultimate Spiritual Liberation is not "of this world" — it has nothing to do with the body-mind. But, at the same time, true Liberation is not based on an effort to escape bodily life and the natural conditions of existence.

The sublime Truth beyond this koan lies in the "Perfect Practice" of Adidam — practice in the Domain of Consciousness Itself, ultimately (by Divine Grace) culminating in the Most Perfect Realization of the Divine Self-Condition (having transcended all identification with body, emotion, mind, and breath).

There can be no doubt of Who is "Eleutherios", the Subject of this book. It is Avatar Adi Da Himself, the Divine Liberator, the One Who Alone can Awaken the "Perfect Practice" in His devotees.

The Truth He makes known here is not reachable by merely human means, not even the most heroic Spiritual effort. Human beings require Help from Beyond — and this Help has been Given.

Reality Itself has come to our aid in the most Gracious Person of Avatar Adi Da Samraj. Through His Divine Incarnation into human Form, He has made the fully Clarifying Intervention that enables human beings to be Free, Liberated, Alive as Reality Itself, rather than crushed by the burden of mortality and ignorance.


— from The Dawn Horse Press —
Eleutherios Cover
The Only Truth That Sets The Heart Free
This new edition of Eleutherios is Avatar Adi Da's Supreme and Summary Instruction on His Great Offering of the "Perfect Practice" in His Divine Company.

It also contains His most recent Instructions to His devotees about the "preliminary root-practices of the Way of Perfect Knowledge", including "Reverse Enquiry".

Paperback: 736 pages