Book Excerpts

The Eternal One

The Divine Mahasamadhi of The Divinely Translated Master,
Parama-Sapta-Na Adi Da Samraj

by Ruchiradama Quandra Sukhapur Rani Naitauba


Eternal Icon

Testimonials by Devotees of
Avatar Adi Da Samraj

1. Petrus Faller (Germany)

After a sleepless night, I lay down in the early morning on November 27, to rest for a couple of hours before going to work. In a dream I suddenly saw Beloved Bhagavan sitting in front of me. He was moving His Body back and forth as if a cushion were disturbing His back.

I wanted to get up and help make His back more comfortable. But He gave me a smile that indicated there was nothing that could be done for His physical well-being anymore and that I should not get up to help Him.

I was confused by His response and slowly began to wake up. An inexplicable pain was catching at my heart and my whole being. How could there be no way to bring comfort to Bhagavan's bodily (human) Form?

In the midst of this mysterious feeling, I fully woke up. I looked at the clock, and it showed a few minutes after 6:00 a.m. German time, shortly after 5:00 p.m. at Naitauba.

Then, when I got to my office, I saw an e-mail message that Bhagavan had collapsed in Picture Perfect. Later I heard that Bhagavan had leaned forward and back in His chair immediately before His Mahasamadhi — just as He had in the dream.

Bhagavan's Passing was an unexpected sudden moment of greatest meaning. And, yet, although everything has changed, it is obvious that nothing is different.

2. Elizabeth Solliday (California)

During the Vigil in Beloved Bhagavan's bedroom, each group of eight or ten devotees was brought in for their final sighting of Beloved Bhagavan. Ruchiradama Quandra Sukhapur led everyone into the small space where we were to sit at the foot of His bed. The room was so full with our Beloved Master's Presence, I was dissolved like water.

The only thing visible was His Beautiful face. I tried to see the features of His face more clearly, but they were simply dissolving in Light. There was a feeling of His reaching out to everyone as He was Perfectly Letting Go into Himself. In this dissolving Embrace, there was the feeling of the very personal Love that He has for each of His devotees.

It was clear that He was not "going" anywhere. His Personal Presence was Fuller and "Brighter" than I have ever felt It before. His Beautiful Body was dropped, it was clear, but I felt more touched by Him personally, more Loved by Him than I can ever remember. He was clearly communicating: "This is not the end of anything."

Something became more obvious as the hours and days went by — the feeling that Bhagavan created all the necessary structures to carry His Blessing to the world from this Island, His Holiest of Places. His Love, His Inclusion is absolutely tangible and clear. His Love is only magnified by what has occurred with His Precious bodily (human) Form. That is His Demonstration during these precious days.

His Beautiful Perfect Body is sitting in the ground now, surrounded by soil that is completely continuous with the rest of this Earth, because that is the way that He wanted it, because He Loves that much.

Many devotees here have been talking about how the earth itself is becoming a source of His Perfect Transmission, as the feeling of His Radiance pours into us from the very soil itself.

An excerpt from a Discourse given
on July 12, 1976, by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

— from The Dawn Horse Press —

Eternal One Cvr The Eternal One
The Divine Mahasamadhi of
The Divinely Translated Master,
Parama-Sapta-Na Adi Da

The Eternal One includes stories from the time before and after Avatar Adi Da's Passing, Ruchiradama Quandra Sukhapur Rani's personal account of the final years of Avatar Adi Da's human Life, and intimate testimonies from many of His devotees.

A bountiful collection of photographs celebrates the extraordinary Event of Avatar Adi Da's Passing and the pristine quality of His final days on this Earth.

8½x11 paperback
320 pages

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