As the title of this book emphasizes, Avatar Adi Da's Offering stands in continuity with the root-essence of even the most ancient forms of human religion. That Way is the spontaneous, non-verbal response to the mere sight of an illumined being.
Such responsive transformation is not bound by pre-conceived doctrine or formalized practice. This secret heart of true religion has existed since before the annals of human time, because it is intrinsic to the human being — not dependent on writing, institutions, or any of the hallmarks of "history" and "civilization".
Thus, the Wisdom-Way that Avatar Adi Da has Given is, in its fundamental practice, part of a Great Tradition — which began, with the earliest human beings, walking the Earth over fifty thousand years ago. According to genetic evidence, it was such wanderings that eventually produced all apparent variation of the human species.
This is the sense in which Avatar Adi Da uses the term "Walk-About": the unity of humanity in intelligent association with its environment, not disconnected by the abstractions of mind, and thus free to directly respond to the Revelation of Truth wherever it is Given. As Avatar Adi Da once described to a gathering of His devotees:
Though there are many historical traditions of religion and Spirituality, in Truth, there is one Great Tradition. In fact, that Great Tradition is even older than the history that humankind has recorded.
There is a prehistorical background to all the historical traditions — which I call a "Walk-About tradition"— that existed before there were concentrated bodies of civil society where human beings became highly organized in large numbers.
Even anciently, people were being religious. In fact, ancient peoples were being everything that human beings, generally speaking, are now. Even the ancient, prehistoric peoples are part of the Great Tradition.
The Great Tradition of humankind is a universal tradition, because it is based on the One Reality — not only the Great, Indivisible Non-conditional Reality, but also the unity of conditional existence and the commonality and unity of human beings themselves.
The Core Esoteric Process of Real Spirituality and Its Perfect Fulfillment in the Way of Adidam — by the Divine Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj
"Devotion to the Realizer is the ancient Way of true Spiritual life.
"Devotion to the Realizer is the 'pre-civilization Way', which existed before any recorded history, during a time when human beings were, essentially, merely wandering all over the Earth.
"Devotion to the Realizer has always been the fundamental Means of human Spirituality."