In the first of this collection of writings, Adi Da describes His function as the Sunlight that opens the eyes of those who are asleep. In fact, the Sanskrit word "Guru" literally indicates the dispelling of darkness.
"The syllable gu means shadows, The syllable ru, he who disperses them. Because of the power to disperse darkness the guru is thus named."
The function of Guru has appeared in almost every esoteric (or really Truth-Realizing) form of human Spiritual practice.
From Buddhist masters and Hindu Siddhas to the Jewish Zaddiks, Christian Spiritual fathers, and Muslim shaykhs, the transformative relationship to the illumined guide is testimony to the universal truth of the "ancient Walk-About Way".
Avatar Adi Da once described the "physics" of the Guru-devotee relationship as a "law of vibration". When one object vibrating at a particular frequency is brought into proximity with another such object, the second object can begin to vibrate "in tune" with the first.
The Guru appears in human form, but not in the ordinary human state. The Guru is one who is — to one or another great degree — beyond limitation, and thus literally "vibrates" a State of Realization.
The devotee comes into the Company of the Guru, and what is communicated is not an exchange with a separate, "other" human being, but rather the Guru's Realization itself.
By spending time with the Guru, the devotee who does not "hold on" to self (and thus stop the process of "sympathetic vibration") becomes more and more resonant with the Guru's State.
The human Guru is thus a profound help to human beings, because the Guru appears in human form to communicate that which is otherwise beyond human experience.
The spontaneous recognition of the Guru as the Revealer of Truth is the basis on which the ancient Walk-About Way was embraced. And to truly live the relationship with the Guru to fullest advantage, human beings must embrace a mature and self-responsible habit of living.
The Core Esoteric Process of Real Spirituality and Its Perfect Fulfillment in the Way of Adidam — by the Divine Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj
"Devotion to the Realizer is the ancient Way of true Spiritual life.
"Devotion to the Realizer is the 'pre-civilization Way', which existed before any recorded history, during a time when human beings were, essentially, merely wandering all over the Earth.
"Devotion to the Realizer has always been the fundamental Means of human Spirituality."