The presumption of an irreconcilable difference between what is subjective and objective is so obvious a feature of our experience that we tend not to question it at all.

Avatar Adi Da
Avatar Adi Da

Book Excerpts

The Ancient Walk-About Way

excerpted from the Introduction
by Megan Anderson
— page 4

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The "Radical" Revelation
of Reality Itself

Although there is a Great Tradition of response to Truth, even in relationship to the human Guru, it is also obvious that human beings have a penchant for creating and living in bondage and suffering.

Thus, Avatar Adi Da has Given a full Teaching that addresses every aspect of human experience.

Relative to all religious and Spiritual traditions, He describes a three-part paradigm of (1) presumed separate (and subjective) self, (2) presumed separate (and objective) world, and (3) presumed separate "God" or Great State.

Of course, the presumption of an irreconcilable difference between what is subjective and objective is so obvious a feature of our experience that we tend not to question it at all. But the presumed split between self and world and "God" is the essential problem that human philosophy and religious endeavor seek to resolve.

Avatar Adi Da has made a supremely "radical" Revelation about the nature of the self we presume to be, and which we presume is inherently "different" from everything else.

The separate self (or ego-"I") is, He says, not something we are being. Rather, the separate "self" (or ego-"I") is something we are doing. Or, as Avatatr Adi Da has said countless times, "The ego is not an entity, but an activity."

The root-activity of the ego is what Avatar Adi Da describes as self-contraction. Presuming to be a separate (and, therefore, inherently threatened) "someone", every human being contracts (physically, emotionally, mentally, and with the breath) in the face of the apparent threat of everything "other".

However, that activity of self-contraction is not inherent to the being. That activity of self-contraction is something each human being is doing in reaction to his or her (real or presumed) experience.

The Way of Adidam, which Avatar Adi Da has Revealed and Given, is the Way of the "radical" (or "at-the-root") transcending of the self-contraction. Only when such "radical" ego-transcendence is the case is it possible to truly "Know" Reality Itself.

Thus, the "radical" transcending of egoity is an absolutely essential aspect of the Ultimate Reality-Realizing process of Adidam Offered to all by Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

in the Walk-About Way of Adidam

from The Dawn Horse Press —

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The Ancient Walk-About Way

The Core Esoteric Process of Real Spirituality and
Its Perfect Fulfillment in the Way of Adidam
— by the Divine Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj

"Devotion to the Realizer is the ancient Way of true Spiritual life.

"Devotion to the Realizer is the 'pre-civilization Way', which existed before any recorded history, during a time when human beings were, essentially, merely wandering all over the Earth.

"Devotion to the Realizer has always been the fundamental Means of human Spirituality."

— Avatar Adi Da Samraj

5½ x 8½ paperback; 144 pages
ISBN: 1-57097-221-4