Sundaram Tagore Beverly Hills presents
An Online Gallery of
Image-Art by Adi Da Samraj
All quotations are excerpted from Transcendental Realism (with the specific essay indicated), available through the Dawn Horse Press
Fundamentally, the images I make and do are simply to be felt. It is the perceptually-based feeling-response — and not merely an intellectual understanding — that is required. When you are viewing the images, take the time to simply, tacitly feel them — without trying to think of something to say about them. You do not have to "figure them out". Simply participate in the images, by means of unguarded feeling-perception.
from "You Are The Surface Space of My Image-Art"
Eurydice One: The Illusory Fall of The Bicycle Into The Sub-Atomic Parallel Worlds of Primary Color and Point of View - Part Two: The Abstract Narrative In Geome and Linead (First Stage) - II/1 (from Linead One), 2007 © 2010 ASA
Viewing the image-art I make and do is always a process. Thus, viewing the image-art I make and do is not about coming to an end-point. The complexity and the multi-level nature of the images I make and do is such that your viewing of any given image cannot ever be conclusively "finished".
from "The Visual Realization of Insecurity and Truth"
The Spiritual Descent of The Bicycle Becomes The Second-Birth of Flight: Part Eleven - VIII (from Orpheus One), 2007, 2008 © 2010 ASA
Every image-form I make and do... should be approached and experienced as a kind of living "presence" — to be embraced, and fully and freely participated in, and (altogether) combined with, in order to "know" and be "known" in the process.
from "The Secret of How To Know (and Be Known By)
My Participatory Image-Art"
The Goddess of New York: Part One - VIII/16, 2007 © 2010 ASA
Right participation in the images I make and do requires the transcending of egoity. How do you do that? Feeling-response is the means. It is not that feeling-response allows you to "enter into" the domain of the image-art I make and do. Rather, feeling-response awakens you in, of, and as the very context — or "surface" space — of the image-art I make and do.
from "You Are The Surface Space of My Image-Art"
Gross Boy Peter (The ego-"I"), 90, from The Struwwelpeter Suite (The ego-"I" and The Straightener): Contemplating The Mind/Body Problem and The Bodily Illusion Of Being a Separate "self", Part One, 2008 © 2010 ASA
The images I make and do are means for the "viewer" to responsively recognize and "inhabit" — and, in the moment of ego-transcending feeling-response, to sympathetically Be — the Perfectly Subjective "Space" That Is Reality Itself.
from "How To Be The Surface Space of My Image-Art"
Next: "The Secret of How To Know (and Be Known By)
My Participatory Image-Art"
— from The Dawn Horse Press —
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877-770-0772 within the US
or 707-928-6590 internationally