Book Excerpts

Book Excerpts

Easy Death SmEasy Death

August 2014
Read "The Truth About Death" — an essay from the book by Avatar Adi Da Samraj hailed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, author of On Death and Dying, as a "masterpiece".

Dvm IconThe Danavira Mela Book
The Season of "Light-in-Everybody"
As Celebrated in the Company of Bhagavan Adi Da Samraj

by Naamleela Free Jones

December 2013
Naamleela Free Jones welcomes everyone into the joyous, sacred celebration she enjoyed each year with her father and Guru, Avatar Adi Da.

The Gift of Truth ItselfThe Gift of Truth Itself

November 2013
Listen to a recitation from “There Is One Truth—Which Is Always Already The Case”, an essay in the new book The Gift of Truth Itself. This slim volume is an introduction to Avatar Adi Da’s Reality-Teaching and Way, as well as a highly accessible collection of essays from His Aletheon masterwork.

Green Gorilla IconGreen Gorilla

September 2013
Listen to a recitation from a key essay in Green Gorilla entitled “Searchless, Lawful Management of the Body”, where Avatar Adi Da describes the principle of approaching diet as an obligation for health rather than a problem to be corrected.

Three Stages IconThe First Three Stages of Life

January 2012
A comprehensive collection of Adi Da's unique Guidance on how to give children and young people "the gift of a disposition of ego-transcending Happiness". Learn practical ways to support bodily, emotional, and mental well-being — in children, young people, and yourself — based in a living awareness of the Divine Mystery of existence.

Icon Reality WayThe Reality-Way of Adidam
The Divine Process That Outshines All Seeking
in the Perfect Freedom of Reality Itself

June 2011
The Reality-Way of Adidam describes the fundamental aspects of Avatar Adi Da's Transcendental Spiritual Way. This new book fully accounts for the final form of the Reality-Way of Adidam as given by Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

Icon TranscendentalTranscendental Realism
The Image-Art of egoless Coincidence with Reality Itself

September 2010
The new edition of Transcendental Realism: The Image-Art of egoless Coincidence With Reality Itself contains many never-before-published writings by Adi Da, including a remarkable, detailed explanation of how His own final image-making process evolved. Watch a video from 2006 and 2007 of Adi Da creating and speaking about His "aperspectival" art.

Eternal IconThe Eternal One

February 2010
The Eternal One is a stunningly beautiful chronicle of the events surrounding the Divine Mahasamadhi of Avatar Adi Da. The book confirms the Spiritual context of Avatar Adi Da's Passing and communicates the profound significance of this moment in His Eternal Work.

R Trans Icon"Radical" Transcendentalism
The Non-"Religious", Post-"Scientific",
and No-Seeking Reality-Way of Adidam

July 2009
Avatar Adi Da Samraj describes how secular science and conventional religion "support and serve" humankind's illusions about reality. He reveals what spontaneously unfolds when such illusions are relinquished and life is lived on the basis of the direct "Knowledge" of Reality Itself.

Not Two IconNot-Two Is Peace
The Ordinary People's Way of Global Cooperative Order
By the World-Friend, Adi Da

May 2009
Not-Two Is Peace contains Adi Da's unique wisdom on the roots of human conflict, the errors of conventional religion and politics, and the immediate necessity for global cooperation via "the working principle of prior unity".

Avatar IconThe Avatar of What Is
— The Divine Life and Work of Adi Da
by Carolyn Lee, PhD

March 2009
In this potent biography, written one year before Avatar Adi Da's Divine Mahasamadhi, Carolyn Lee offers a discerning overview of Avatar Adi Da's extraordinary life up to that time.

Radical Devotion Icon'Radical' Devotion
Writings from August and September 2006
by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

August 2008
The essays in this book are an invitation to embrace the relationship to Avatar Adi Da as Divine Realizer and to explore the fundamental practices of the Way of Adidam.

Walk About IconThe Ancient Walk-About Way
The Core Esoteric Process of Real Spirituality and
Its Perfect Fulfillment in the Way of Adidam

July 2008
The Ancient Walk-About Way is a remarkable collection of essays, celebrating the ancient tradition of devotion to the Realizer, Avatar Adi Da's "Perfect Knowledge" Revelation, and His foundation gift of "radical" devotion.

Perfect Knowledge IconThe Way of Perfect Knowledge
The "Radical" Practice of Transcendental
Spirituality in the Way of Adidam

February 2008
In The Way of Perfect Knowledge, Avatar Adi Da describes the process of Grace, devotion, and self-understanding required to transcend the presumption of separateness and Realize "Perfect Knowledge" of Reality.

Ancient Teachings SmThe Ancient Reality-Teachings

June 2007
Adi Da Samraj offers His own "expository translation" of several significant Spiritual texts. He illuminates the full meaning intended by the original author — not from a scholarly "point of view", but as a Realizer of Truth.

Religion Reality SmReligion and Reality

May 2007
The introduction to, and an excerpt from, Avatar Adi Da's new text Religion and Reality, in which He distinguishes between popular, or exoteric, and esoteric religion.

Perfect Tradition SmThe Perfect Tradition

April 2007
Carolyn Lee's introduction to The Perfect Tradition describes the miracle of the Way of Adidam — that the Transmission and intuition of the seventh stage of life are given from the beginning.

Eleutherios ImageEleutherios
(The Only Truth That Sets The Heart Free)

July 2006
The introduction to Eleutherios (The Only Truth That Sets The Heart Free), a newly revised and published Source-Text of the Way of Adidam, by the Great Avataric Sage, Adi Da Samraj.

Instant EverybodyLove and Blessings
Instant Everybody
by Bill Gottlieb

May 2006
The introduction to a book of first person stories about their human need for Blessing in difficult situations like illness, and Avatar Adi Da's Divine Compassionate Response

Mummery SmThe Mummery Book

February 2006
The introduction for the proposed literary edition of The Mummery Book, Avatar Adi Da's "prose opera", including His commentary on the supernormal process that produced the book.

Melrose 72My "Bright" Word
The Divine Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar

July 2005
An excerpt from a new book that includes over a dozen of the original Discourses Given by Avatar Adi Da in 1972 and 1973. Many of these Essays were originally published as transcripts in the book The Method of the Siddhas

Hridaya SmHridaya Rosary
(Four Thorns Of Heart-Instruction)

June 2005
Hridaya Rosary is Avatar Adi Da's beautifully precise and exquisitely poetic description of the Spiritual process that is spontaneously entered into when one is Spiritually Awakened by Him.

Rag Image SmRuchira Avatara Gita
Avataric Way Of The Divine Heart-Master

May 2005
Excerpts from the introduction and Text of Avatar Adi Da's book that, He says, offers the "Great Secret" of the Way that "Most Perfectly Realizes" the "True and Spiritual Divine Person"

Adi Da Blessings"Send Him My Love and Blessings"
The Death Transition of Bernie Kelly
by Angelo Druda

March 2005
Avatar Adi Da's Blessing of Bernie Kelly — a man who felt he could never become a formal devotee — as he made his death transition. From the forthcoming new third edition of the book, Easy Death

Adi Da Fearless"Be Fearless"

September 2004
Avatar Adi Da's Blessing Work with Tamara Mcphail, written by Tamara's partner, John Bent in the midst of her terminal disease. From the forthcoming new third edition of the book, Easy Death

Adi Da CoverAdi Da, The Promised God-Man Is Here
by Carolyn Lee, PhD

January 2004
Chapter 9 covers Avatar Da's move to the island of Naitauba, in Fiji, in 1983; His historic talk Mark My Words; and the writing in 1984 of His summary scripture, The Dawn Horse Testament.

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